Sureshots combat-pistol-course Combat Pistol Course - Progressive Combat Skills Training (PCST)
Combat Pistol Course

This is where training really gets fun! This course is designed to move you into advanced practical pistol shooting. Operating out of your concealed or belt holster, this course will teach you to engage multiple targets, stress target discrimination, and get you away from a paper target bull’s-eye mentality.

This course builds upon all of the lessons in the previous courses, and will attempt to get you to correlate all of the techniques and apply them to challenging situations. This course is also where we begin to really challenge you to attain the end-goal practical standards of speed and accuracy. This is a "Big Boy’s and Girl's Range" but we never lose focus on safety!

Reserve your space by sending an email to

Class Topics
Combat Pistol
  • Tactical Mindset/Situational Awareness
  • Tactical Pistol and Kit review
  • Pistol Manipulation Skills
  • Marksmanship Fundamentals
  • Operating from Holster
  • Reloads and Malfunctions
  • Close quarter pistol operations
  • Static to Dynamic Position Drills
Equipment List
  • Pistol with Holster and Mag Pouch
  • Footwear suitable for rapid movement and turning on rough terrain
  • Hat with a brim
  • Wraparound eyewear, polycarbonate lenses or non-shattering prescription glasses
  • Hearing Protection (electronic strongly recommended) and earplugs
  • 10 Pistol Dummy rounds
  • 500 rounds of pistol minimum

Class Schedule

None scheduled at this time, e-mail to request a class.